Tuesday 30 September 2008

My mum can speaketh english....

Bless our mums...they are the best thing in the world...

Heres a situation

Shahida: hi this is my mum
responder: salams aunty, kaisen hain, theek thaak
mum: hanji im fine
responder: kuch chahiaye aap ko...

im watching bewildered, this person i was just speaking to has automatically assumed she cannot speak english

vhy oh vhy, my mum can speak english, dammit!!!

onto to the next person....


Thursday 25 September 2008

7 Questions not to ask a twin....

(coz they have been asked like a thousand times)

1.Do you have telepathic powers? No i would have used them by now!
2.Do you people ever get you mixed up? yes!! cos we are twins
3.Did you ever play pranks as kids? Probably and the wrong one always got cuaght
4.Are your personalities different? well... yes ...we're different individuals
5.whats it like being a twin? can i ask you what its not like to be a twin, i dont know as i dont know what its like not to have one
6.Are you close? of course we are...we have that 'special bond'
7.whats the main difference between you? im the intelligent one!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

isnt nature wonderful

The way we are born, we need to be cared and nurtured for from when we are babies. If nature was such that we went from old to new born, ie the cycle was turned, how different would the world be.......hmmmm

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